Finance calculator is a great tool to calculate your daily finance calculations.Finance calculator include options like Loan EMI Calculator, SIP Calculator, Lumpsump Calculator, Currency Converter, Interest Calculator and Money Cash Counter. All these options are helpful in daily finance related calculations.FInance Calculator has Loan Emi calculator through which you can find Loan Amount, Loan Emi, Loan Interest rate and Loan Period. More over you can also compare loans and get the best loan for you. Instant Loan calculator helps you with accurate data of your loan chart in which you can differentiate interest paid over principle amount.Sip and Lumpsum calculator gives you accurate numbers of your investment future values. You can plan your goal of retirement with calculations from SIP Calculator. You just need to enter SIP details, expected return rate and Investment period, you will get result of your future income. Based on this you can plan your future goals of investment.Currency converter gives you live exchange rate of different currencies of the world. You can convert USD to INR and other major currencies of the world. Live rate of currencies available at anytime. Also you can mark you favourite currencies in the list and get their rates anytime.Simple Interest Calculator and Compound Interest Calculator are most useful calculator in day to day life when you need to give money to other people as unsecured loan. You jut need to put Date on which money is given and money return date, our app will automatically calculate number of days money was borrowed and gives you interest amount instantly.Money cash counter is most useful when you are in bank for depositing money in the back. You can get detail total amount detail by putting number of notes in the app.We have tried to make this app as useful as possible for daily simple finance related calculations. If you have any suggestion for us then do write us at our contact email.